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 Badnam Lyrics Translation in English and Hindi  by Mankirt Aulakh is latest Punjabi song sung by him. Sangga has written its lyrics while DJ flow has composed its music.



Album Name:Badnam Ho Gaya (Punjabi)
Performers:Mankirt Aulakh
Video Director:Sukh Sanghera
Music Director:DJ Flow
Label:Speed Records


Janmeya si jadon main
Pangude vich peya si
Ronda vekh bapu ji ne
Hathan vich chakk leya si – oye

When I was born
I was lying in the cradle
My dad saw me crying
  He took me up in his hands

Janmeya ji dina ton mahine hunde gaye
Yaar huni thode je kamine hunde gaye

After my birth, the days flew quickly, so did months
My friends (and I) started growing a little notorious

Pehli gaal chacha ji ne kaddni sikhayi (x2)
Gaalan kadd da si billa phir aam ho gaya

My uncle (father’s younger brother) taught me my first curse
Cursing, gradually, became normal for me

Are you ready?
16va vi tappeya
17va vi tappeya – what
18ve ‘ch munda badnam ho gaya (x3)

16 years passed (16th birthday)
17 years passed
The guy got infamous at 18 (good, at least he was an adult now)

DJ Flow
Ikk haan di kudi de nal yaari pai gayi (x2)
Duji chori di bandook ohne mul lai layi
  Duji chori di bandook ohne…

Firstly, he started going out with a girl of my age
Secondly, he bought a stolen gun

Ikk haan di kudi de naal yaari pai gayi
Dooji chori di bandook ohne mull lai layi Teeja daade aala asla lako ke paa leya Chautha yaar de viah ‘ch raati neat la gaya Yaar de viah ‘ch raati neat la gaya

Firstly, he started going out with a girl of my age
Secondly, he bought a stolen gun
Thirdly, he stealthily brought his grandfather’s weapons (weapons not guns, grandfather must be pretty notorious!)
Fourthly, he drank neat pegs at friend’s marriage (neat pegs are alcoholic pegs without mixing water, juice or col drink. Some people believe if only ice is mixed then it’s still a neat peg, while others believe it’s not a neat peg anymore) He drank neat pegs at friend’s marriage

Khoon DJ de floor utte khillre
Movie bandi si khada shreaam ho gaya

Blood streamed on the DJ’s floor
His video was being recorded while he stubbornly stood there, knowing that he’s being recorde

  16va vi tappeya
  17va vi tappeya – yes
  18ve ‘ch munda bad name ho gaya (x3)
   16 years passed
    17 years passed
     The guy got infamous at 18

18 Ajj kal de javakan vich oo gal kithe
Eh taan coke diyan botlan de fan aan
DJ Flow di beat wajdi repeat
Chandigarh diyan gaddiyan ‘ch ban aan Chandigarh diyan gaddiyan ‘ch

The boys of current generation lack the zeal and vigor that we have
They are fans of a bottle of coke (as in coca-cola)
DJ Flow’s beats are being played on repeat His beats are banned in Chandigarh (Chandigarh is a city in India, apparently the best city in the world – that’s what the natives believe, proclaim and, at times, are ready to fight)

Haan! coklan ch baaki waale yaar ni banaye Kade russ gaye te yaaron kade mann gaye – yes
Thane vich jaake bhaven report likha di Naale kutt gaye te naale sheesha bhan gaye (x2)

I did not make these coke loving guys my friend They are the one’s who get angry and befriend on short whims
Who go the police station and file a report That they came, beat us, broke the windshield


Ho pindon sarpanch vi matha ohnu teke ni Thokan lagana Singga agga picha vekhe ni (x2)

The head of village also bows in front of him Singga(Lyricist) doesn’t gives a f*ck about anything if he gets into a fight

Court te kacheri case pehn laggeya
Munda 100-100 din gharon bahar rehn leggeya
Bille di dileri Maalpur vich gedi
Ohda Bullet Safari vi nilaam ho gaya

There are cases against him in the court
The guy, at times, is not at home for more than straight 100 days
The guy still, without fearing anything or anyone, roams in his city Maalpur Although his Safari (an SUV’s name) and Bullet is auctioned (Royal Enfield is endearingly called bullet in India, often pronounced at bullt in Punjab)

16va vi tappeya
17va vi tappeya (yes!)
18ve ‘ch munda badnam ho gaya (x3)

16 years passed
17 years passed
The guy got infamous at 18


Jammeya si jadon main
Pangude vich peya si
Ronda vekh bapu ji ne
Hathan vich chakk leya si

जब मै पैदा हुआ था
पालने मे पड़ा था
मुझको रोते हुए देख कर पिताजी ने गोद में उठा लिया

Jammeya ji dina ton mahine hunde gaye Yaar huni thode je kamine hunde gaye

मेरे को जन्मे दिनों से महीने हो गए
यार भी थोड़े से कमीने होते गए

Pehli gaal chacha ji ne kaddni sikhayi (x2) Gaalan kadd da si billa phir aam ho gaya

पहली गाली चाचा जी ने सिखाई गाली देना
फिर आम हो गया

Are you ready?
16va vi tappeya
17va vi tappeya – what
18ve ‘ch munda badnam ho gaya (x3)

क्या आप तैयार हैं?
16वा साल निकला
17वा साल निकला
18वे मे लड़का बदनाम हो गया

DJ Flow
Ikk haan di kudi de nal yaari pai gayi (x2)
Duji chori di bandook ohne mul lai layi Duji chori di bandook ohne…

एक अपने साथ वाली लड़की के साथ यारी हो गयी
  दूसरा चोरी की बंदूक खरीद ली उसने

Ikk haan di kudi de naal yaari pai gayi
Dooji chori di bandook ohne mull lai layi Teeja daade aala asla lako ke paa leya Chautha yaar de viah ‘ch raati neat la gaya Yaar de viah ‘ch raati neat la gaya

एक अपने साथ वाली लड़की के साथ यारी हो गयी
  दूसरा चोरी की बंदूक खरीद ली उसने
तीसरा दादाजी का असला छुपा के ले आया
चौथा यार की शादी में सीधा दारू पी गया

Khoon DJ de floor utte khillre
Movie bandi si khada shreaam ho gaya

डीजे के सामने खून बहा,
इसकी विडियो बन के हर जगह फैल गयी,
और लड़का वहीं खड़ा था

16va vi tappeya
17va vi tappeya – yes
18ve ‘ch munda badnam ho gaya (x3)

16वा साल निकला
17वा साल निकला
  18वे मे लड़का बदनाम हो गया

Ajj kal de javakan vich oo gal kithe
Eh taan coke diyan botlan de fan aan
DJ Flow di beat wajdi repeat
Chandigarh diyan gaddiyan ‘ch ban aan Chandigarh diyan gaddiyan ‘ch

आज कल के लड़कों में वो बात कहाँ,
ये सब तो कोका कोला पीते हैं
  डीजे फ्लो का गाना लगातार बज रहा है
  चंडीगढ़ की गाड़ियां जिन पर रोक है

Haan! coklan ch baaki waale yaar ni banaye Kade russ gaye te yaaron kade mann gaye – yes
Thane vich jaake bhaven report likha di
Naale kutt gaye te naale sheesha bhan gaye (x2)

ये कोका कोला पसंद करने वाले यार नहीं बनाए
  जो तुरंत गुस्सा और तुरंत मान जाते हैं
  थाने जा कर रिपोर्ट लिखवा दी पीट गए
  और कार का शीशा भी तोड़ गए

Ho pindon sarpanch vi matha ohnu teke ni.
Thokan lagana Singga agga picha vekhe ni (x2)

पिंड (गांव) का सरपंच भी उसके सामने माथा टेकता है सिंग्गा (गीतकार) जब मारने पर आता है तब आगे पीछे नहीं देखता

Court te kacheri case pehn laggeya
Munda 100-100 din gharon bahar rehn leggeya
  Bille di dileri Maalpur vich gedi
  Ohda Bullet Safari vi nilaam ho gaya
  कोर्ट में भी केस चलने लगे हैं
   लड़का 100  -  100 दिन घर से बाहर रहने लगा
   लड़का फिर भी बिना डरे
   मालपुर (शहर) मे चक्कर लगाता है
   उसकी बुलेट और सफारी भी नीलाम हो गयी
   16va vi tappeya
   17va vi tappeya (yes!)
   18ve ‘ch munda badnam ho gaya (x3)
    16वा साल निकला
     17वा साल निकला
     18वे मे लड़का बदनाम हो गया

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