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Tibeyan Da Putt – Lyrics in English | With Translation | – Sidhu Moose Wala

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 Tibeyan Da Putt Lyrics In English with  Translation Sidhu Moose Wala is Latest Punjabi song which is sung and written by Sidhu Moose Wala. The music of new song is given by The Kidd while video is directed by Hunny Singh, Pulkit Setia Pk.

Tibeyan Da Putt – Lyrics in English | With Translation |  – Sidhu Moose Wala


Song Name:Tibbeyan Da Putt
Lyrics Writer(s):Sidhu Moose Wala
Music Director(s):The Kid
Music Director:Hunny Singh, Pulkit, Setia PK            

Tibeyan Da Putt – Lyrics in English | With Translation |  – Sidhu Moose Wala

“So Kehnda Geetan Kehdeyan Ch Kini Ae Tu Jan Dekh Lai,
Ho Bacha-Bacha Kare Jehte Man Dekh Lai,
Pehlan Udd’de Lafafe Asman Dekh Ke,
Te Phir Moose Pindon Chadeya Toofan Vekh Lai,”

He says whose songs are powerful, just see.
Every single child feels proud of who, you must see.
It is said that the kites fly according to the sky,
And then thunderstorm originated from the village ‘Moosa,’ you will see.

Thinking ‘Cho Moosa Bolda Ae,
Outlook Cho Bole Canada Ni,
Ni Asi Maut De Wait Ch Jeyone a,
Sada Living Style Ae Teda Ni,

Thinking talks of ‘Moosa!’
Outlook gives glimpses of Canada.
We live waiting for the death, and Our living style is rare enough.

Best-an Nal Body Kajjde Ni,
Sidha Hikkan De Wich Wajde Ni,
Asi Bukde Ni Sir Gairan De, Gairan De, Gairan De,

We don’t guard our bodies best.
Instead, directly strike in the chest.
We don’t boost backed by others.

Ho Madi Jatt Di Hind Kudey,
Mera Tibbeyan De Wich Pind Kudey,
Munde Fan Ne Thodde Shehran De,
Shehran De, Shehran De (x2),

Fatal is the stubbornness of mine.
My village is in barren huts,
Crazy of me is the youth of your cities.

Made Kam Karan Made Geet Likhan,
Nal Hid a Made Yaran Di,
Tan Vi Moose Wala Ban’ne Nu,
Ae Bheed Phire Kalakaran Ni,

I do evil deeds, and I write bad songs,
With me, I keep a band of bad friends,
Still, to become the Moosewala,
Anxious is the herd of artists.

Tere Favorite Jehe Kalakar,
ah Bollywood Star Kude,
Pair Dharde Meriyan Pairhan Te,
Pairhan Te, Pairhan Te,

Your favorite artists, Oh Dear!
The Bollywood stars here, follow my footsteps.

Ho Madi Jatt Di Hind Kude,
Mera Tibeyan De Wich Pind Kude,
Munde Fan Ne Thodde Sheharan De,
Sheharan De, Sheharan De (X2),

The stubbornness of mine most fatal of all.
My village is in barren huts,
The youth of your cities is crazy about me.

Nature To Down To Earth Kude,
Va Kabbeyan Ucheyan Pikkan Ton Ni,
Tere Gore Kale Hollywood Wale,
Nigah Rakhan Mere Te America Ton,

By nature down to earth, dear,
From odd and high peaks,
Those black and white Hollywood freaks,
Keep a watch one me from America.

Sach Ehvi Mande Fact Kude,
Geetan Te Karan React Kude,
Ni Jatt Lohde Paunda Kehar’an De,
Kehar’an De, Kehar’an De,

There is another fact, dear.
At my songs, they make reaction videos on YouTube.
I create matchless miracles.

Ho Madi Jatt Di Hind Kudey,
Mera Tibeyan De Vich Pind Kude,
Munde Fan Ne Thodde Sheharan De,
Sheharan De, Sheharan De (X2),

The stubbornness of mine most fatal of all.
My village is in barren huts,
The youth of your cities is crazy about me.

Koi Vadde Khas Gharane Ni,
Nikkle an Pindan Bastiyan Chon Ni,
Meri Apni Tan Koi Hasti Nai,
Mera Khauf Dikhenda Hastiyan Chon,

We do not belong to noble families.
Brought-up in the village and townships.
I don’t have any existence of my own.
But my fear is seen in influential people.

Mitti Vich Dinde Rol Kude,
Meri Kalam Chon Nikle Bol Kude Ni,
Jiwe Dang Hunde Ne Zehar’an De,
Zehar’an De, Zehar’an De,

Toil the people in dust, the words fired by my pen,
Like the sting of poison.

Ho Madi Jatt Di Hind Kude,
Mera Tibeyan De Vich Pind Kude,
Munde Fan Ne Thodde Sheharan De,
Sheharan De, Sheharan De (X2),

“Oh Dekhi Kalli-Kalli Tuk Tikhi Sool Wargi,
Dekh Hater-An De Dilan Te Chaboyi Payi Ae,
Oh Tu Vekh Zara Moose Ton Toronto Tak Ni,
Kinjh Moosewala, Moosewala Hoi Payi Ae,”

Whose single piece of poetry is sharp like a dagger.
See it piercing the hearts of haters.
O’ dear from village ‘Moosa’ to ‘Toronto,
You will hear only about Moosewala.

Kayi Nastik Mainu Dasde Ne Ni,
Kayi Dharma De Wich Barde Ne Ni,
Kite Puja Meri Karde Ne Ni,
Kite Putle Mere Sarhde Ne,

Some call me an atheist,
Some drag me into the religions,
Somewhere I am being worshipped,
while somewhere else, some are burning my effigy.

Na Samajh Sake Mere Rahan Nu,
Ni Kaun Rok Lau Dareyawan Va Nu,
Ni Bann Lagde Hunde Nehran De,
Neharan De, Nehran De,

They couldn’t understand my missions.
Who could stop the rivers,
The dams are built for canals.

Ho Madi Jatt Di Hind Kude,
Mera Tibeyan De Vich Pind Kude,
Munde Fan Ne Thodde Sheharan De,
Sheharan De, Sheharan De (X2).

Fatal is the stubbornness of mine.
My village is in barren huts,
Crazy of me is the youth of your cities.

“Jithe Bus Tak Nai Si Aundi, Main Os Pind Cho aya
Te Ginve Chunve Engineer Ne, Ginve Chunve Fauj Ch Bharti Ne,
Normal Je Ghar Ton Aya, Mera Ghar Dekh Lao Jake,
Eh! Je Main Ajj Aini Bheed Nikal Ke Kite Khadanga Tan,
Main Tukka Nai Laya Ya Main Kise Nu Galan Kadd Ke Ni Aya,
Mera Lot Of Hard work aa,”

The village where wasn’t a bus service available,
I have come from such a village.
Where there are numbered engineers, and people recruited in the army.
I belong to an average household, and you could see my house.
If I am a face in the crowd today, it’s just not a leap of fate that brought me here, neither I reached at this level by abusing others.’
I have put a lot of hard work to be where I stand today.

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